I went Jogging today. *Beams*
Its a thursday and im suppose to be in dance but Terence is away "serving the nation". How sad. I miss dancing. Its been a week plus and im coping pretty well but the 2 weeks confinement is not doing me any good at all. Hes BOTAK now. We're gona miss the on-coming competition in KL. :(
Oh yea, i forgot to upload the pictures from the last competition. We did well for the first competition. Participated in Grade E Cha and Rhumba,as well as Grade D. Sad to say, we only got into the semi-finals for the higher Grade D. HOWEVER, we did manage to get a 3rd place for Rhumba and 7th place for Cha Cha in Grade E. CHEERS! Here are the pictures.
My dance parrrrrtner
My partner in crime
The very ones who made it possible
Loves <3>