And of course not to mention her Baby and his friend for accompanying me throughout the long (prolly mind-torturing) trip/ walk around Sim Lim. Love U lots Baby.
Now now now, i know my daddy looks extremely hun-some and my mum uberly prewtty. Don't you all agree? Hahas,oh well..explains how they have this hun-somely prewtty daughter. On this note, do i look like a splitting image of either? My aunts used to say i look like a replica of my dad but somehow as i grow older, i look more like my mum.
Thats quite a good thing u see. Cause my dad HAPPENS to be a GUY.
Oh,i forgot to thank Lex in advance for the nintendo battery that he promised me as well. RIGHT? i mean everyone saw what you wrote on the tagboard so don't try and chicken out of it. Hehs.
Im gona play with my nintendo now and prolly wont be updating this lousy blog fer a period of time. If u miss me, tag me. Once there are more then 10 different people tagging, I would CONSIDER updating.
Till then, i'll be nintendo-ing.