Saturday, September 30, 2006

Im craving for strawberry-snow-skin-mooncake-with-lotus-paste-and-egg-yolk.

repeat after me.

Right. Thats the way. Haha..


Im fine with red bean paste as well. =x


Thursday, September 28, 2006


Itz like 1 frigging am in the morning but i can't bring myself into sleepy land because of a very disturbing testimonial that i read on teh bf's friendster profile. Itz not those forward-this-to-(number)-of-people-or-you-will-die-tml kinda testimonial. You all know all these dont happen. Itz a zillion times worse than that. I'll leave you to guess.

hint #1
I lOvE hIm So MuCh I CaN't LiVe WiThOUT Him

thats not bad enough. try this

hint #2
I LuRbB HiiM SoO MuCh WorXx. cAnn NoRtts LiiVes wiiThOuT hIim WorX. SobXx

If you havent got it yet. Lemme tell you. TWITS. Who hates them? (both hands up) What are twits?

Pls go and get yourself accustom to the terms. These are some examples.


" euu all dun00 hw to readd ouRr kinDda engliiSh nehhx. maybe. iis n0rtt u all dunCh understaNdd whRr ur la0huayan de sPectacles aRggs? ohh u g0rtt la0renchiidaiizhen. sadd f0r u."

translation:"you all don't know how to read our kind of english maybe. Is not u all dont understand where your reading glasses? oh you are senile. sad for u"

EXAMPLE 2"heysh gurrl ii wan twuu cwatch uuer wavhbe~ heysh gurrl ii wan twuu dribt awaey wib uue~"

translation:"hey girl i wana catch your wave, hey girl i wana drift away with you"

Now u understand how i feel. Don't they ever understand how revolting their "LANGUAGE" is?They have their own version of dictionary. Heard it before? Call it TWITIONARY'>"> TWITIONARY
Revolting. Plus they have those tilt-your-head-45degree-down-and-then-raise-the-camera-above-your-head-then-stare-into-camera-and-look-scary look. And itz suppose to be kawaii nehx.

Supergirl dieded le worxx.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fat , Short & Stupid

Great. what a lethal combination.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Frustrations and Disappointments.
It was a involuntary kinda feeling. Every single cell in my body were screaming "take me take me. choose me choose me!" But all i could do was just to stand and look. Not to mention the pathetic face i must have plastered on my face throughout it all. I was finally taken in and made useful. But it must be the pathetic face. I swear. Everyone was going "itz okie itz okie" but itz not man. I felt like there was this blob of molten metal place at the back of my throat, slowly making itz way down my stomach.
Everyone must have felt useless once in awhile somewhere someplace at a certain point of time. But my brain is overloaded with signals telling me "u're useless. u're fat" Like a broken down radio repeating the same signal over and over again. It sorta pisses me off that im getting these kinda signals from my brains. But come to think of it again, is my brain trustworthy to begin with? Heh. Right now i think i should follow the path my heart sets out in front fer me. To hang on perserve and to work hard. Im not going to wallow myself in selfpity and all those shit stuff. A quote from a special someone "u'll only treasure what u really fight fer." Thank you. I'll always remember it.

I'll be like superwoman.
I'll soar higher then the birds.