Thursday, January 24, 2008

Its Thursday and im home and im feeling very sick now cause i jus had milk with oero + char siew bao + cadbury chocolate + mochi ice cream. I think its starting to act up in my tummy cause im feeling really uncomfortable. I would have went ahead with maggie mee if not for my tummy giving out weird vibes.

Help. Im a fat dinosaur. A bored and fat dinosaur. A bored and fat dinosaur with a lot of work not done yet.
What an irony. How can u possibly be bored and have a lot of work not done yet? hmm...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

*wipes away the cobwebs*

So its been gazillion years since I've updated at all. Theres just too much to do and so little time to do it.

So what has happened over the past few gazillion years of my life?

1. PioPio dropped on the bus and got stepped by some woman so im not gona use him anymore simply cause hes black. But Emilene bought me a new spongebob socks to put my Nintendo. heh

2. John and I went to the Zoo and we found out that Otters loves to do backflips in the water over and over again. (and when i say over and over again..i really mean over and over again)

3. I've got my Nitendo Wii and have also gotten sick of it.

4. I've clear about half a dozen of my projects and theres another half to go. If only it was as easy as eating donuts.

5. I've given up on gyming and decided to grow fat.

6. I've got like permanent blisters at the back of my ankle due to dance and the craziest part is Im still loving dance.

7. Xy flew of to never never land and we'll never never see her for a long long time.

That should be all for right now and I am off to chat with MrVainpot who has recently developed an addiction to taken unglam and ugly shots of Yours Truly.

Till then..tats~~

Saturday, January 05, 2008

There are times where u wish u never said what u knew u had to say. And right now, i wish that never happened. Shld have seen it coming.

#1 lesson : Love unconditionally.